Developers have prided themselves of delivering enemies that are bigger, badder and wilder than the previous level. Check out our top 15, and please, don’t get scared!
We pulled together a list of 15 video game bosses that are hardest to defeat!
1. Final Fantasy XI boss could take 24 hours to kill

Tackling this boss could take 24 hours to defeat, and players were falling physically ill and fainting. Members of a Final Fantasy XI clan (yes as hardcore as gaming players can be) considered it to be too difficult to waste their time with. I do believe this boss, in challenging peoples whole perception of computer games, is the Capo di tutti capi.
2. Robo-corpse – Contra 3

Whilst Contra games are renowned for their monstrous bosses, this ultimate boss demonstrated the kind of extravaganza only Super NES games could pull off. Even the special surprise in Mass Effect 2 couldn’t pull it off quite so well.
3. Ridley – Super Metroid

But looks can be very, deceiving. He poisoned a whole kingdom, erased the Esper race, assassinated his boss in without a second thought, and rose to ultimate control through devastating the entire planet. He went about obliterating towns and villages at any whisper of rebellion, ruling as a ruthless despot.
So if a whole village cannot survive his aggressive tyranny, we can predict the extent of the battle. Kefka first forces the player’s party to fight it’s way through his controlled terrifying goddesses, which as frighteningly twisted human forms look like you have entered the borders of hell, there is no way back, and it is times worse than you could have ever imagined. When you finally come face to face with the infamous Kefka, who is now in a godlike form, he removes all your health to one with his ‘Fallen One’ Trick. Damn, this guy is mean!
4 Final Boss From Crysis

Not the most difficult to defeat, but the finale of shooting a nuke up its ass makes for wonderfully hilarious game play. This is certainly one of our favourites!
5. Diablo – Diablo 1

What makes for ultimate perfection in this defeat is the blood lusting satisfaction the player gets from ripping the soulstone from Diablo’s head and forcing it into your own head with a high pitched scream. Or maybe that’s just me.
6. Shiva – Streets of Rage 2

He’s proper bad ass, fully suited in black and he certainly rivals your moves. It may be that you have had to defeat such a range of enemies just to get to this point, but he is fast on his feet. When finally faced with Mr X and his machine gun, you feel quite prepared!
7. Zodiark from Final Fantasy XII

After fighting your way through what seems to be an endless queue of some of the toughest enemies in the game, Zodiark bewitches you with ‘Darkja’ (a dark-elemental spell, which which can kill instantly).
Just before falling asleep with exhaustion after defeating Zodiark, its nice to take a long inhale of satisfaction.
8. SHODAN – System Shock

9. Death – Castlevania (NES)

He is slow moving, but these makes him all the more aggravating. His scythes float around during the fight, which are difficult to avoid and cause four bars of damage a slice. Without the axe your attack is flawed, its long-arced shape is crucial to making it through alive.
10. The Cyberdemon – Doom 3

11. Mike Tyson – Mike Tysons Punch Out

And yes, we are talking about the computer game. But it helps to be fighting a real champion boxer, even if it is through a screen. It keeps you coming back for more.
This game is legendary. The password to reach Tyson directly has become like a secret handshake among fans (it’s 007-373-5963 if you’re wondering.
12. Satan – Digital Devil Saga 2

The uniqueness of Satan lies in the requirement of using a calculator to defeat him. And also a LOT of speed. Spend too much time tapping away at those digits, when you manage to get Satan’s HP down to 1500, he will heal back to health if not immediately successfully attacked.
To defeat Satan, you MUST be at level 99, and using Beacon of Assault three times in a row in order to stop him from casting a spell that will destroy you instantaneously. Ah Lord.
However, we cannot put into words the sense of accomplishment you will feel. Think a state of pure ecstasy. Surrounded by your most cuddliest of teddy bears. Now times this by ten.
13. Yiazmat – Final Fantasy XII (PlayStation)

Yiazmat can destroy at the onset of the fight, so don’t even bother attempting the fight if your character levels are under 75.
As Yiazmat is weak against Dark you must have either the Yagyu Darkblade or Orochi with the Cat Ear Hood. The Fomalhaut gun with Dark Shot equipped is a requirement.
One hundred Chronos Tears with Bubble Belts and Windbreakers will definitely help for all your characters.
With all this, there is still no guarantee you will come out of there alive. Good luck anyhow…ill meet you at the end!
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